Saturday 25 March 2017

P.J. O'Rourke - How The Hell Did This Happen?

Rating: 4/5

Funny and insightful

This is a collection, with minor subsequent editing, of some of P.J. O'Rourke's journalism and speeches on the 2016 US Presidential election…which pretty much tells you all you need to know.  My politics are most certainly not the same as his, but I always find him both amusing and thought-provoking (and occasionally just provoking).  This is, as usual, full of wit, bile and genuine erudition, and if you like O'Rourke's work, you'll like this. 

There are, of course, plenty of laughs.  He hasn't lost his ability to come up with a scathing one-liner or a crushing put-down.  A couple of examples I liked are:
"…a progressive Republican.  This is a creature something like the pshumi-pullyu in the Dr. Dolittle stories but with two butt ends."  Or the (in context) slightly self-mocking "To me, most popular music sounds like angry potty mouths falling down a flight of stairs while carrying a drum set."  He excoriates pretty well all the candidates, because he thinks that they are a bunch hopelessly unfitted for the office of President, but deluded enough to think they have what it takes.  He is merciless on both Trump and Clinton – but does manage to be very graceful about both Ben Carson (Republican candidate) and Joe Biden (Democrat who didn't stand), which I found very refreshing.

It's not all brilliant; it gets a bit repetitive at times, and there are some longish passges which didn't do much for me (like an extended riff on the wives of past Presidents), but this is an amusing and insightful read which I can recommend.

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