Friday 12 June 2020

Lawrence Block - Rude Awakening

Rating: 4/5

Short but good

There is something rather compelling about these stories. They don’t seem to add up to much really, but they are well-written and have a certain grisly charm to them. This one is very short – it took me about 10 minutes to read – and left me with a feeling I’d like to read the next, somehow.

These stories are also available as a single book: Getting Off.  They are beginning to grow on me and I’m looking forward to the next.


  1. Thanks! Actually the Kit Tolliver stories are available as a full book, Getting Off, published by Hard Case Crime in print and ebook form. I made the stories available individually as well so that Kindle Unlimited member could read them for free, while others could sample as story and see if they wanted to buy the book. But to buy them all individually would be way too expensive!

  2. Fair enough - my mistake! Thanks for pointing this out and I've edited the review accordingly.

    I've discovered your books very late, but I'll be starting the Bernie Rhodenbarr series soon on the basis of what I've read of the Kit Tolliver stories. I'm looking forward to them.
