Wednesday 3 February 2016

Paul Hoffman - The Left Hand Of God

Rating: 3/5

Something missing

The competent, easy-flowing prose makes this book an accessible read, but in the end I thought it didn't add up to much. It is a fantasy (although with no magic) set in an alternative version of history in an unspecified part of Europe and a time resembling the 15th Century. It follows the adventures of three boys escaping from a hideously repressive Sanctuary, and their subsequent adventures. Some - but by no means all - of the narrative is quite gripping and there are some decent action set pieces, but I'm afraid I felt that there was a rather off-the-peg feel about the whole book, making sure the usual hooks were all covered. The hideously brutal Redeemers, the aristocratic and sneering Materazzi, the beautiful just seemed a bit by-numbers.

Similarly, the targets for satire - sneering aristocrats, brutal and hypocritical religious zealots, vacuous and self-regarding bimbos, and so on - are worthy subjects but were all so grotesquely exaggerated that it took much of the sting out of it. Also, the style is often gently ironic which simply doesn't fit the story it is telling.

I don't want to be too critical because it's by no means dreadful. It's perfectly readable but I can't give it four stars

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