Wednesday, 4 November 2015

William Codpiece Thwackery - 50 Shades of Mr Darcy

Rating: 3/5

Good ideas stretched very thin

This book didn't appeal to me nearly as much as it has to others.

The basic premise is a good one, and there is some real humour derived from subverting Jane Austen's picture of 19th Century propriety with Mrs Bennett distraught because her daughters haven't yet been ravished, for example. The idea of Mr Collins as Phil Collins is also very funny to begin with, but the rather laboured jokes about his lyrics and song titles did wear pretty thin - and that's what I thought about the whole book, really. It's an inspired comic idea which would be great for a sketch or possibly even a 30-minute programme, but for me it couldn't support an entire book and I found myself skimming a lot while admittedly enjoying the occasional chuckle.

At least part of the problem is that I have not read 50 Shades Of Grey. This may be better if you have read 50 Shades, but for me it was a good comic premise and some funny ideas which made me laugh in places, but which was stretched far too thinly to maintain my interest.

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